Sunday, July 25, 2010

Survey Monkey

I created a short survey on reading habits using Survey Monkey. I have received surveys as email links before so I elected to put this one on my blog to be different. However next time I wouldn't have it exit to the Survey Monkey account page as it takes it away from my blog and it does not seem to me a very graceful exit. Live and learn! While you are here please feel free to take this survey.


I now have a Feedburner account to track my blog usage. We already use Google analytics on our website but I think reading the stats can sometimes be confusing. I am particularly interested in knowing how often our author talk podcasts are accessed.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Google Alerts

I had tried out Google Alerts previously to keep track of the media coverage our library received. I had two alerts set up but removed one as I received alerts whenever our catalogue was searched via Libraries Australia. The other one, which is branch specific works well for letting me know the publicity we are receiving.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Twitter and Delicious

I joined Twitter but when I went to set it to private I found the page was down due to maintenance. Will try again tomorrow. Twitter would be useful for advertising upcoming events, titles of particular interest or letting people know about new products or resources. My twitter address is

I also shared my delicious bookmarks with my twitter account. I don't use delicious that much but the thing I like about it most is finding other people with common interests.